Swapped Movie Queens

Swapped Movie Queens

  • T/N: This is MTL, accuracy not guaranteed. Except for earlier postings, most novels will be on linkvertise, this is to help me earn some revenue to fund for buying novels and overlord tickets (additional support for authors) and buy some candies and coffee for myself, and to mask the novels from aggregators, direct links to the chapters will be posted on discord.If you don't want to bother with the linkvertise, you can find the direct links there. If you have the means please support the author.

    Chapter List

    Swapped Movie Queens

    Ruan Yesheng is an outdated star, while Xi Mo, who started about the same time as her, is now quite popular, like a national goddess.

    Until after an inexplicable and eerie terrorist attack at a press conference.

    Ruan Yesheng woke up and found that her body had become Xi Mo's.

    Xi Mo woke up and found that her body had become Ruan Yesheng's.

    You loved someone so much, until one day, you became her.

    ——After being scared for a bit, Ruan Yesheng secretly felt happy for three days.

    You hated someone so much, until one day, you became her.

    ——Xi Mo only wants to kill.

    君sola (Jun sola/Lord sola)
    Jinjiang Literature City (JJWXC)
    Other Title:
    交换影后 (Jiāo Huàn Yǐng Hòu); After Exchanging Shadows
    Entertainment Circle, Beautiful Female Lead, Mystery

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    Comments [1]

    1. cly1212 Admin
      Chapter 1-39 is actually translated on Snowy Codex, but only 1- 21 is listed on NU, last update was August 2022