Chapter 12: Boss Qin's Secret 

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[Boss Qin, Little Boss Qin's condition is clearly much better today, and she can return to work next week.]

After leaving the Qin family residence, Fang Xinhua sent a message to Qin Shilan, reporting Qin Shiyue's condition for the day. Fang Xinhua thought to herself, she had never seen a sister so doting and caring for her younger sister. Boss Qin, who was such a busy person managing countless affairs every day, still made time to care for her heartbroken younger sister.

What Fang Xinhua hadn't noticed was that ever since the divorce, although Qin Shilan had paid close attention to and cared about her sister's condition every day, she had not personally shown up to comfort her. Based on how much Qin Shilan had loved and doted on her sister in the past, this seemed a bit unusual.

The reason Qin Shilan didn't personally comfort her sister was because, this time, she had her own selfish reasons. She didn't dare see her sister, afraid that upon seeing her sadness and pain, she would soften again. In truth, she could stop Kong Huizhi from divorcing her sister, just like three years ago when she had the power to force Kong Huizhi to marry her sister. But this time, she didn't want to stop the divorce. Deep down, she had been hoping for it.

Qin Shilan harbored a secret that no one knew—she had always been in love with her sister’s wife, now her ex-wife.

"Sister, I really like Huizhi. Do you think she'll like me?" A teenage Qin Shiyue had shared her adolescent secret with her elder sister.

Qin Shilan froze, a wave of discomfort spreading across her chest. Shiyue could like anyone, but why did it have to be Kong Huizhi? Then again, why couldn't it be Kong Huizhi? What exactly was she bothered by? At that time, Qin Shilan hadn't yet figured out her feelings. By the time she realized them, her sister had already launched her pursuit of Kong Huizhi.

Qin Shilan never thought that she and her sister would fall for the same woman. This cliché plotline, old as it was, had actually happened to her. What was even more unbelievable was that she had made the same loathsome decision as a TV drama character—she had given the woman she loved to her sister.

When Qin Shilan was four, she met a two-year-old baby girl in the park. The little girl was chubby and fair, much cuter than all her dolls. She was so adorable that Qin Shilan couldn't help herself and planted several kisses on her cheeks, which scared the little girl to tears. The young Qin Shilan was at a loss and nearly cried along with her.

"Can you give this little sister to me? I'll take good care of her, love her, and protect her," Qin Shilan said to the girl's mother. She was so fond of the little sister and wanted to take her home, play with her, and sleep beside her.

"If Auntie gives you this little sister, then I won't have a daughter anymore. You can go home and ask your dad and mom to have another little sister for you," the baby girl's mother suggested to Qin Shilan.

So, after reluctantly parting ways with the adorable little girl, Qin Shilan went home and pestered her parents to give her a little sister.

The Qin parents, who originally had no plans for a second child, thought it was just a fleeting whim of a child and didn’t pay much attention to it. However, they didn’t expect that the persistent Qin Shilan, known for her determination, clung to her parents about wanting a little sister for nearly half a year without giving up.

The Qin parents thought that maybe their only child was feeling too lonely, which was why she so badly wanted a sister for company. So, they finally put the second child plan on the agenda.

The following year, after Qin Shilan's long wait, the Qin family welcomed their second baby, Qin Shiyue. The moment Qin Shilan saw the baby, she made up her mind that as an older sister, she would love and cherish her little sister.

As Qin Shiyue grew older, their parents would say that Shiyue had come into the world because of Qin Shilan, which made her feel an even stronger sense of responsibility toward her little sister. She wanted to protect, care for, and love her. So, as the older sister, she treated Qin Shiyue like a second mother, doting on her in every way. It did not matter that her little sister was silly and knew nothing; after all, she could do everything.

The older daughter was exceptionally talented, while the younger daughter was an unexpected addition with no extra expectations. All they needed to do was love her and ensure she was happy. Thus, under the family's indulgence and pampering, Qin Shiyue grew up somewhat aimless and a bit useless.

After learning that her sister was feeling better, Qin Shilan let out a sigh of relief, and her deep sense of guilt eased a little. She thought to herself that she had already given way to Shiyue several times and had offered her chances more than once. She had helped wherever she could, and this time, she wanted to be a little selfish for herself.

Qin Shilan and Qin Shiyue didn’t look alike. Qin Shiyue resembled their father more, while Qin Shilan looked like their mother. She didn’t have Shiyue's striking beauty; her features were gentler and softer, and her demeanor was calm and composed. She began helping at the family business when she turned eighteen, and by the time she was twenty-five, their father entrusted her with the company as he retired. Now at thirty-three, she had navigated the business world for over a decade and had become the formidable President Qin, someone everyone respected and feared.

From a young age, Qin Shilan was a highly disciplined and persistent person. When she set her mind to something, she would achieve it. In contrast to her little sister, who often gave up halfway through her studies, Qin Shilan excelled in everything she pursued. She was undoubtedly far superior to Qin Shiyue.

Her family considered Qin Shilan a workaholic because of her extremely clean romantic history, leaving her sexual orientation unclear. They even suspected she might be asexual. As a mature woman of thirty-three, not having any emotional or physical needs seemed very abnormal to them.

This translation was originally posted on

Only Qin Shilan knew that she had normal emotional and physical needs, though it was not entirely normal. She had suppressed these needs for too long. At least Qin Shiyue could express her emotional needs, while Shilan had always had to bury hers deep inside. Only she knew that her DIY fantasy object had always been her sister's wife; this was a secret that was hard to speak about.

This time, Qin Shilan had a feeling that soon she would be able to truly release the beast that had once been hidden away inside her. Thinking of her sister's ex-wife, she couldn't help but smile, resembling a hunter who saw its prey about to fall into a trap. The prey was still blissfully unaware, celebrating its newfound freedom, and Shilan let it enjoy this brief moment, knowing she was not like Shiyue. Once the prey fell into her net, she would not easily let it slip from her grasp.

Qin Shilan gently swirled the red wine in her glass, then drank it all in one go, swallowing it down.

Since the last time Kong Huizhi saw Qin Shilan's meaningful smile at the banquet, she felt uneasy. This was not the first time Qin Shilan looked at her like this. Each time Qin Shilan looked at her this way, it made her particularly uncomfortable, as if all her hypocrisy and disguises were exposed right under her eyes. It seemed that she would be seen through, and Kong Huizhi disliked that feeling very much.

Qin Shilan was not easy to deal with; she knew this better than anyone. She even suspected that Qin Shilan had a sister complex and that her feelings for her sister exceeded ordinary sisterly love. How could an elder sister care so excessively for a younger sister? The stares of her sister-in-law often gave Kong Huizhi the illusion that she was her rival in love. Therefore, the abnormal Qin Shilan would not let this go so easily; she definitely would not spare her lightly. However, since the divorce, that woman had remained quiet. It was too calm, just like the calm before a storm.

Author's Note:

Lin Qingyi: Official complaints are the most lethal. Even your sister thinks you are silly.

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